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Annual Report (Forms A and C) is expected to be completed on an annual basis by March.  The Annual (Parochial) Report, plays an important part in connecting your congregation with the mission and ministry of the whole Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  The Annual Report is:

  • One way the churchwide organization has of getting the big picture of ministry happening across the ELCA.
  • One way to measure congregational health over a long period of time, using similar measures of health among all ELCA congregations.
  • One record of your congregation’s history that is publicly accessible to the church at large (through the ELCA website and synodical records).
  • Providing the synodical and churchwide organizations with necessary information to better meet your congregation’s needs and the needs of other congregations.

Annual reports also help the ELCA comply with IRS regulations related to its group 501(c)3 coverage for all synods and congregations.

The Rostered Minister’s Report to the Synod Bishop is due on an annual basis in January and may be completed online. These confidential reports are used by the synod bishop in a number of important ways:

  • To offer concern and/or support when significant issues within the family or congregation are identified;
  • To determine if a pastor is contemplating a new call;
  • To determine if the synod minimum compensation guidelines are being met and to offer support and/or counsel to pastors and congregations, as appropriate;
  • To provide limited synodical financial assistance to pastors not receiving pension benefits on the basis of synod minimum guidelines.
  • To encourage a rostered leader’s participation in continuing education, when necessary.

It is Bishop Miller’s intent to respond to all rostered ministers who submit a report.

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