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Pre-Youth Gathering Event

Charlene Rineer, the synod’s coordinator for the ELCA Youth Gathering, will hold a pre-youth gathering event on Sunday, April 8, 2018.  It will be at Camp Mount Luther’s Evergreen Center starting at 2:00 p.m. It is for all the leaders and youth from the synod who are going to the ELCA Youth Gathering.  This pre-gathering…

Refreshing Parish Worship

Our worship resources are entering “middle age.” What can we do to refresh and enliven our weekly liturgies? A workshop, "Refreshing Parish Worship," is designed for parish musicians, pastors, and others interested in worship and worship planning.  It will be held on the Gettysburg Campus of United Lutheran Seminary on April 14, 2018, from 9:00…

Lutheran Youth Day

Bring your youth group to Susquehanna University for Lutheran Youth Day, where we will find new ways to rise up in service to our community.  The day’s events include projects with LutheranHands, faith formation fun, community building, worship at the end of the afternoon, and music by Dave Scherer from AGAPE*.  Scherer will be there…

Bradnick Speech

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Reedsville presents an evening with Mrs. Peggy Jackson on Sunday, April 15, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Jackson is better known throughout Central Pennsylvania as Peggy Ann Bradnick.  As a 17-year-old girl, she was kidnapped during the spring of 1966 near Shade Gap, PA.  Please join them as Peggy tells…

Retirement Planning Seminar

Retirement planning can seem daunting without someone to walk you through it. Portico’s day-long pre-retirement seminar for plan members age 50+ does just that. And it’s coming to your area soon! The seminar covers many facets of retirement planning in understandable terms — from establishing a retirement budget to reviewing health care options. You’ll breathe…

WELCA Day of Learning and Renewal

The Upper Susquehanna Synodical Women's Organization presents their Day of Learning Renewal on April 21, 2018, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Christ, Milton. The theme is "Bring Peace" and the presenter is Mary Woods. Registration is at 9:30 a.m. Cost is $5. The registration deadline is April 10, 2018. Lunch will be provided.

Camp Mount Luther Spring Open House

Have you ever wanted to see Mount Luther’s site and facilities? Do you miss camp and want to visit in the springtime?  Are you interested in coming to camp this summer but want to get more information and see the place first?  Well, this is your chance.  The Camp Mount Luther Spring Open House will…

Princeton Forum on Youth Ministry

This forum gathers Christian leaders who are passionate about young people and the church. Youth ministers, Christian educators, pastors, ministry innovators, and emerging scholars from the USA and beyond gather annually for this 4-day event on the campus of Princeton Theological Seminary. This year, the theme is IMAGE. They will explore what it means to practice…

GROW Writer’s Retreat

Anyone wishing to come and write devotions for Camp Mount Luther’s First Light Digital Devotions is welcome to join other writers on April 25, 2018.  The retreat will be from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Evergreen Center.  It will be a day of writing and sharing resources for devotional writing.  Please RSVP to…

Messiah, South Williamsport, Anniversary Celebration

Messiah Lutheran Church, South Williamsport, is celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2018. On Saturday, April 28, a Festive Eucharist liturgy will be held at 2:00 p.m. Clergy are invited to vest and process; the color of the day is red. Preaching will be The Rev. Stephen P. Bouman, Executive Director, Domestic Mission, ELCA, and former…

An Evening with Nadia Bolz-Weber in Central PA

Lutheran Pastor and bestselling author, Nadia Bolz-Weber, takes an unusual approach to church.  Heavily tattooed and often profane, she is part of what scholar and writer, Diana Butler Bass, calls the “new Reformation.”  A recovering addict, Bolz-Weber has created a congregation that is open to those struggling with addiction, as well as persons who are uncomfortable…

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