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Sue Ellen Spotts began her work in November 2023 as the Director for Evangelical Mission in our synod. This is a part-time position. She will also work part-time doing the same work in Allegheny Synod in a shared arrangement between the two synods. Sue Ellen shares a bit about herself to the members of our synod:

I have deep roots in Union County but grew up on the move in a military family, cultivating in me a love of travel, of different cultures and people. I was also shaped by church experiences such as summer camp (as a camper and a counselor), youth ministry leadership, campus ministry, and service in the Lutheran Volunteer Corps. I put my community nutrition degree from Penn State to use staffing an interfaith hunger task force in Washington DC and training village health promoters in rural Bolivia. My MA in Religion from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (now ULS) led me into congregations as a Director of Christian Education, as well as to staff positions at Tressler Lutheran Services (now Diakon) and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. I also have ecumenical experience, most recently in congregational vitality efforts with the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. A common thread of my vocational journey is connecting who we are as Christ’s people with how we live in the world. I am excited to bring these experiences and passions to the work of the DEM at this moment, and to explore with the people of the Upper Susquehanna and Allegheny synods how to be vital witnesses to God’s redeeming work in our changing communities and world.

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